Windows Clients keep finished jobs in Queue

Steve Chovanec schovanec at
Tue Sep 14 07:55:41 PDT 2004

Anonymous wrote:
> hi all,
> my cups with samba and windows active directory works fine except one problem:
> windows clients keep finished jobs from every user on a printer(so every user can see every users printed jobs). after printing every user can delete his own jobs manually but i want the jobs automatically be deleted in the windows printer queue.
> is it because of some missing rights???
> thankful for every idea.
> cheers claus

Does anybody have any ideas on this? I am having the same problem when printing from a windows client either through samba or directly to cups through IPP. The queue in windows will show the job as printing forever, even though the job is finished and no longer in the CUPS queue. I even set cups to not save any job history and it had no effect.

- Steve

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