Printing a document from https

Michael Sweet mike at
Mon Sep 6 09:09:39 PDT 2004

Anonymous wrote:
> ...
> 4. This is something that is not clear for me. I installed the
> printer on an Windows Client via Samba 3 and the workstation is
> connected to it. Then i try to print the document from the client
> (windows 2000) after i put the adress in the browser for example:
> 5. I try to print it from the IE Plugin for Adobe, or from Adobe
> Acrobat Reader itself. I try it under mozilla, etc....
> Thank you!

OK, then the real issue is not the https: stuff, but merely that you
are printing from Windows and Acrobat Reader.

More than likely you are running into an Acrobat bug; the printer
support in that application is quite non-standard and it is likely
sending its own PostScript output which is not conforming to their
own Document Structuring Conventions.

Try printing to a file (check the "print to file" button in the
print dialog) and then open a STR at:

attaching the print file that is produced.  Also include the
version of Acrobat and IE that you are using.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

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