[cups.general] Special driver features missing

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Mon Aug 8 05:44:11 PDT 2005


On Aug 8 10:51 Thomas Wolf wrote (shortened):
> since we are running CUPS 1.1.20-0 under SLES 8, SP4 we don't have access to
> some special driver features like printing serveral pages on one page etc. Is
> there anything we could do to get access to these special features again?  (HP
> LJ 1320)

As you use a Suse business product you should have a Suse support
contract. If yes, you should use the matching Suse support contact.

I guess you mean the N-Up (number-up) features in the PPD file
of some HP PostScript printers?
If yes, use a suitable HP PPD file (you can use YaST to change
the PPD file: Use the [Change] and [Edit] buttons in YaST).

Regardless of the PPD file, the CUPS filtering system provides the
number-up feature in any case, see the "CUPS Software Users Manual".

Note that it may lead to confusion that this way two kind of
number-up features can be used simultaneously:
First the CUPS filtering number-up feature and then
the N-Up feature which is built-in in the HP PostScript printer.
If both are set to print for example two pages on one sheet,
the result are four pages on one sheet but with a bit different layout
because both number-up features produce a bit different layouts.
I.e. use only one kind of number-up feature at a time.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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