Epson LX-300, printing simple text

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu Dec 29 08:14:38 PST 2005

This is my situation. I have a linux server, with cups, it´s on for more than 1 year with cups, it NEVER crashed and printed more than 300,000 documents without any error. Cups is amazing!!!!
The problem is that, i have only one windows client remaining because one of the printers that is on the server is a Epson Lx-300. On windows i use generic/text only driver for that printer (the program we use here uses php so we print things from a web browser) and it prints fine.
Well, what i want to know is if cups have a generic/text only driver, because when i try cups raw driver on a linux computer it prints strange things, like a source from a program (is it a ps?).

If someone can help me, i would appreciate.

Ps.: Sorry about my English, i´m from Brazil.

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