problem with scaling

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu Feb 10 14:06:49 PST 2005

  It is text.  I am trying to get 132 characters across and 66 lines down.

  I didn't see where the scaling option was for images only.

> This is a great question.
> First thing to note is that the scaling option only works with images.
> Is this an image? If so, what's the extension on it?
> In order for the example below to work you need to do one of two things:
> 1) Use -o after each option
>     lpr -o landscape -o scaling=50 testpage
> ---or---
> 2) Use quotes (single/double) around entire command:
>     lpr -o 'landscape natural-scaling=50' testpage
> >   I am trying to use the scaling or the natural-scaling options without success.  The page that is being printed comes out without any scaling at all.  The command I've tried is: lpr -o 'landscape natural-scaling=50' testpage  and I've also tried lpr -o landscape scaling=50 testpage
> > The printer is a Brother HL-1650
> > And the OS that I am using is Suse 9.0
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Scott

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