[cups.general] delay between pages

Mike mike at alezan.org
Wed Feb 16 08:24:02 PST 2005

> Can you try to run foomatic-rip without CUPS, for example with a command
> line like
> cat file.ps | foomatic-rip --ppdfile /etc/cups/ppd/<yourfilter>.ppd >
> /dev/usb/lp0

I try :

foomatic-rip --ppd /etc/cups/ppd/laser.ppd test.ps >/dev/usb/lp0

and this one is just as slow as using lpr with cups

> Can you also try only GhostScript, but with sending the output directly
> to the printer?
> -sOutputFile=- file.ps > /dev/usb/lp0

This one works quickly, with no pause between pages.

The problem is not related to gs then.

If you have any idea to correct the problem.



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