Passing LPR arguments through 'cups-lpd '

Anonymous anonymous at
Tue Jul 5 12:48:24 PDT 2005

I've got a "Print to PDF" application that is running currently on LPRng.  My Novell Netware server prints to the 'ps2pdf' printer on the RedHat server and I've writting a little 'if' filter that extacts the arguments and determines the user who submitted the job.

I'm moveing to Novell Open Enterpris Server (SuSE 9) and CUPS.  Unfortunately, cups-lpd seems to strip all of the goodies coming from the LPR job.

The arguments comming from the Netware server are:

1   ps2pdf ,
2   -Abschone at SCHONECKER+142 ,
3   -CA ,
4   -Ff ,
6   -JHELLO ,
7   THERE ,
8   -Lbschone ,
9   -Npostscript.txt ,
10   -Pps2pdf ,
11   -Qps2pdf ,
12   -aacct ,
13   -b57376 ,
14   -d/var/spool/lpd/ps2pdf ,
15   -edfA142SCHONECKER ,
16   -fpostscript.txt ,
18   -j142 ,
19   -kcfA142SCHONECKER ,
20   -l66 ,
21   -nbschone ,
22   -sstatus ,
23   -t2005-07-05-15:32:34.000 ,
24   -w80 ,
25   -x0 ,
26   -y0 ,
27   acct ,

But I'm not getting any arguments through CUPS.  cups-lpd doesn't seem to take any command line arguments of any interest.  Can someone help?

Here's my /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd file:

service printer
        disable     = no
        id          = printer-opportunity
        flags       = NAMEINARGS
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = lp
        server      = /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd
        server_args = cups-lpd -o document-format=application/octet-stream
        bind        =

        log_type    = SYSLOG lpr debug


Here's my RedHat /etc/printcap file:

# This printcap entry auto-imported at upgrade time. YMMV
        :if=/home/pdf/ps2pdf ps2pdf:\

Notice that it's the /home/pdf/ps2pdf script that I wrote that extracts $2 and then does an LDAP lookup to get the submitter's email and forward the resulting PDF file to him.

I'm trying to do the same in CUPS but since I'm not getting any LPR arguments, I'm lost.

TIA, Brian

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