1.2 snapshot has no "make uninstall"

Helge Blischke h.blischke at srz.de
Fri Jul 1 05:53:52 PDT 2005

Michael R Sweet wrote:
> Anonymous wrote:
> > Hi, after trying out the latest 1.2 snapshot I noticed it was missing a "make uninstall"... now I'm stuck with a borked printing system and I can't go back to 1.1.23 without breaking something. HELP?
> There is not support for the "uninstall" target.  If you want one,
> file a STR requesting it, and even better include a patch which
> implements it...
> Uninstall is non-trivial, especially WRT configuration files.
Well, yes, but not impossible (e.g. see the rpm's on Linux systems or the
good old pkg's on SYSV-style systems (e.g. Solaris). 
I think the most serious issue is if you are forced to deal with
different (and mostly not really compatible) mothods of tracking the state
of the installed software.


Helge Blischke
SRZ Berlin | Firmengruppe besscom

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