errors from macosx client to linux server

Anonymous anonymous at
Wed Jun 8 05:18:20 PDT 2005

I've a linux/cups print server with two printers connected to it (a magicolor2200 and an HPlaserjet)

Connected to the server are some macosx clients (.3.x and .4.x), printing worked fine from the printers automagically coming up when cups browsing is enabled on them, except for some complex freehand/indesign/photoshop/ecc... files.

The reasons why such files didn't worked are another story, basically PICT-encoded Postscript.

The solution was turning browsing off on clients, and installing the printers as IPP printers, selecting locally the appropriate ppd, now every type of file prints well from any application, but ...

If I ask for 2 copies of a job I get 4, asking for 3 will get you 9, asking for 9 will get someone to complain for the waste of paper.

Some logs :

On macosx client :
the files in /var/spool/cups have -not- the field (they haven't fields at all)

the line in /var/log/cups/page_log for a job sended in 2 copies is
PrinterName user job# date 1 2 - locahost

On linux cups server :
the files in /var/spool/cups -have- all the fields and
the PMCopies is present with the right number specified (2 in this example)

the lines in page_log for the job originated on macosx are

PrinterName user job# date 1 1 -
PrinterName user job# date 1 1 -

I understand that somewhere the job is splitted in n jobs, but with each job keeping the information to print n copies, so you end with a square number of copies, but I'm clueless on what do I have to tweak.

With ipp printers installed locally on linux clients works well, so I'm pretty sure is something in macosx, any ideas ?

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