Cutting the printjob name

Helge Blischke h.blischke at
Thu Jun 23 06:31:50 PDT 2005

Franz Pförtsch wrote:
> I am using a cups/samba server to serv all printjobs from windows.
> At the list of completed jobs
>      (http://<server>:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed)
> the printjobsnames are very long.
> Here is one examples, the printout is from MS outlook
>         cobp0708-1613           smbprn.00000065
> Is it possible to cut the name?
> Must it be done in cups or in samba?
> I am using cups 1.1.20 samba 3.0.9 both are SLES 9.
> regards
> Franz

AFAIK, the print job name stems from the %%Title: comment in the PS file (or the file name, if the title
comment is missing, but I'm not quite sure).

If you can't change the creation of this string, you's have to hack one of the cgi files.


Helge Blischke
SRZ Berlin | Firmengruppe besscom

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