Cutting the printjob name

Franz Pförtsch franz.pfoertsch at
Thu Jun 23 08:49:25 PDT 2005

Michael Sweet wrote:

> Helge Blischke wrote:
>> Franz Pförtsch wrote:
>>>I am using a cups/samba server to serv all printjobs from windows.
>>>At the list of completed jobs
>>>     (http://<server>:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed)
>>>the printjobsnames are very long.
>>>Here is one examples, the printout is from MS outlook
>>>        cobp0708-1613           smbprn.00000065
>>>Is it possible to cut the name?
>>>Must it be done in cups or in samba?
>>>I am using cups 1.1.20 samba 3.0.9 both are SLES 9.
>> AFAIK, the print job name stems from the %%Title: comment in the PS file
>> (or the file name, if the title comment is missing, but I'm not quite
>> sure).
> No, it actually comes across in the print request from the Windows
> client, which in turn comes from the application...
Do I have any chance to change this behavior?
Do the samba-guys knows about it?

My printer a canon ir3100 stops printing!


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