Alternate pdftops script

Hugh Caley Hugh_Caley at
Thu May 5 14:41:04 PDT 2005

Hi, Helge.  Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this.  When we 
left off, I had installed your pdftops script, and confirmed that:

psPaperSize match

is contained in the pdftops.conf file in /etc/cups.  There is still no 
change; I cannot print landscape when I do not set up printers on my Mac 
by hand, but instead get my printer list using the client.conf 
ServerName directive.

I have just upgraded to Tiger; no change.


Hugh Caley wrote:
> It does have that line.  Still doesn't work.
> Hugh
>> Look into your pdftops.conf. It should then contain
>> psPaperSize match
>> to define this as the default.
>> Helge

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