Getting PS revision from a printer for PPD file

Anonymous anonymous at
Wed May 11 09:05:59 PDT 2005

The PPD file got from the manufacturer site (Lexmark, T430 printer) fails the test:

>cupstestppd lext430.ppd
lext430.ppd: FAIL
      **FAIL**  BAD PSVersion - not "(string) int".
                REF: Pages 62-64, section 5.3.

The relevant line in the file is:
*PSVersion: "(3010)"

The Adobe PPD specification says that the missing 'int' component should be the revision number of the PS interpreter. It can be obtained by sending the following code sequence to the printer:

revision == flush                        (Level 2 devices)
statusdict /revision get exec == flush   (Level 1 devices)

Any idea how to "read" this value (by printing it, for example)

regards, Michal.

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