how to choose default between two servers

Anthony icefalcon at
Wed Nov 16 10:09:44 PST 2005

We have two printers - one is a HP laser and the other a USB attached colour printer on someones workstation. All the servers and workstations are linux with cups.

Both the primary printer server and the workstation are running cups and sharing their printers.

We want the Primary printer server and it's Laser printer to be the Default for all the workstations, however when cups starts on the workstations,  it seems to choose the default destination based on whichever of the two printer servers it sees first.

On both of the cups servers we have set the Laser printer to be the default, but cups on the workstation looses that setting when it reboots because it always finds the locally attached printer before the networked printer.

However even when that system is set up with the laser printer as it's default printer, other workstations ALSO sometimes see the colour printer first and pick it as their default.

How to I configure the cups on the workstations to always use the primary server and printer as the default?


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