Wishlist: Better handling of backend error

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Sun Nov 6 06:20:16 PST 2005

Hatto von Hatzfeld wrote:
> When a "backend did not respond within 30 seconds" the cups server is not
> reachable, even other printers are unusable, and it is very difficult to
> figure out what is wrong (cups does not tell which backend has this
> problem). I suggest that this should be improved.
> ...

This message is only displayed on cupsd startup - once the server
has started, normal processing can continue.

That said, CUPS 1.2 does away with the probe on startup, and instead
only probes when a CUPS-Get-Devices request is done.  In addition,
the probe starts a separate cups-deviced process which does the
actual probe and allows the cupsd process to continue accepting
and processing requests while it figures out the available devices.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Publishing Software        http://www.easysw.com

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