pstocupsraster, pstoraster and cgpdftoraster

Michael Sweet mike at
Wed Nov 16 12:17:31 PST 2005

anonymous wrote:
> I assume cgpdftoraster, pstocupsrater, pstoraster generates the same raster 
> format?
> I can use the same CUPS API for Mac and Linux?

Yes, specifically the cupsRaster API in libcupsimage (which is
GPL'd, not LGPL'd like libcups)

> pstoraster is a Ghostscript wrapper, which uses Ghostscript for postscript 
> rasterizing. Rasterizaing in pstocupsraster is done by CUPS itself?

The pstocupsraster and cgpdftoraster filters are MacOS X specific and
use CoreGraphics to produce raster data.

Keep in mind that Apple only supports a subset of the CUPS raster
modes (see the Apple developer site for the technote on this), so
you'll want to choose a colorspace and color order that is supported
by Apple's filters to be compatible with both Linux and OSX.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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