Starting and stopping printer from command line. Help!

Michael Sweet mike at
Wed Apr 26 08:34:39 PDT 2006

aesthete2005 at wrote:
> I use web interface  (http://locahost:631/printers/printer) to admistrative jobs of my printer such as starting and stopping printer.
> I want automate this process and put commands to start/stop printer in crond sheduler. What commands i must use to do it ?

For CUPS 1.1.x and earlier, the "enable" and "disable" commands are
used, e.g.:

     /usr/bin/enable printername
     /usr/bin/disable printername

In CUPS 1.2, we've renamed these (System V) commands to cupsenable
and cupsdisable to prevent confusion with the Bash enable command.
They are also now in /usr/sbin since they are admin commands:

     /usr/sbin/cupsenable printername
     /usr/sbin/cupsdisable printername

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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