browsing printers

Michael Sweet mike at
Wed Aug 23 07:58:24 PDT 2006

Michael De Vlaminck wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using cups 1.2 and I was wondering if it's possible to choose which
> printers are browsed to a certain ip.

If you have more than one server, you can do this using the
BrowseAllow and BrowseOrder directives in the cupsd.conf file on the
client.  Basically you'll add:

     BrowseOrder allow,deny
     BrowseAllow from ip-address

on each client.

If you have a single server, there is currently no way to do it,
however we have several pending feature requests that would provide
this functionality in a variety of ways...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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