configuration problem - CUPS and X10 backend -

Ignat X. Sorin ispire.2 at
Sat Aug 26 18:13:08 PDT 2006

I figured it out and I posted it below to help anyone interested. I started from the info posted on the website mentioned below with CUPS 1.2.2 configured through web interface. I enabled the FileDevice but this may not be neccesary. The x10 backend can be selected and the actual line in /etc/cups/printers.conf looks like DeviceURI x10://parallel  . I had to modify the x10 backend from the one posted on the website. This is what x10 backend looks like for me:


if test $# = 0; then
	echo "direct x10 \"X10-Controlled Printer\" \"X10 Printer Port\""
	exit 0

echo $starttime > /var/state/x10/printer
### Modify the a1 on the following line to the address of your printer ###
#/usr/local/bin/heyu turn a1 on
/usr/local/bin/flipit flip a5 on
#I go to sleep until printer is on - about 50 secs
# if the printer is not on already
if ! [  -e /var/state/x10/printer ]
sleep 50

### Modify the device to suit your printer port ###

cat $6 >/dev/lp0

### Modify the 2 minutes to be the desired time to wait before shutting off ###
echo "/usr/local/bin/x10printeroff \"$starttime\"" | at now + 5 minutes

exit 0

> Hi,
> I am trying to use CUPS with and old HP Laserjet and as described in I am configuring CUPS to use the file device. I was not succesful however at using the x10 backend, possibly due to my lack of understanding of CUPS configuration directive. I have trouble in particular with the line DeviceURI:/dev/lp0 that should be changed to DeviceURI file: ????
> Any idea is appreciated.
> Thanks.

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