How-To for DLink DP-311P print server & CUPS

Bernd Krumböck b.krumboeck at
Wed Dec 27 01:39:56 PST 2006

Maybe someone can create an FAQ Page for "print servers"?

Some experiences with DP-300U:

interfaces: 2x parallel, 1x USB
network: 1x 10/100MBit (ethernet) with default ip
protocols: lpd, raw, ipp, ftp, smb, appletalk
features: snmp (only some interface statistics), can send a mail if printer
state has been changed (online, paper out, ...)

The name of each printer can be set with the web configuration software.

Necessary informations for network printing:
Raw port:
        Port 9100 - LPT1
        Port 9101 - LPT2
        Port 9102 - USB

        (not tested, but should work without any problem)

        (works well)

        (enable the second http server on port 631 -> web configuration)

        Problem: Every time you send a job, the printserver send
                 some characters to the printer (looks like IPP informations).

SMB and appletalk hasn't been tested.

best regards!

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