CUPS fails to reccognize parallel port - AGAIN!

Charles Howse chowse at
Sat Jul 1 08:48:47 PDT 2006

> > Next issue.  As a test, I rebooted the computer, and checked the
> > permissions on /dev/lpt0.  They were reset to the default of:
> > crw-------  1 root  wheel    0,  35 Jul  1 08:06 /dev/lpt0
> >
> > Why did that happen?
> I never used FreeBSD. But every *nix system has configuration files for
> permissions. I googled for FreeBSD and permissions of device files:
> FreeBSD use devfs for device filesystem. I think you can configure the
> permissions in /etc/devfs.conf. Check that there exists following lines:
> own lpt0 root:wheel
> perm lpt0 0660
> (you can also use lp instead of wheel)

My research indicates exactly the same as your Googling.../etc/devfs.conf is used to set ownership, links and permissions on devices available at boot time.
But it's not working for me.
As root, I edited /etc/devfs.conf and added the lines you suggested.
I changed the permissions on /dev/lpt0 to 0660, and rebooted.
The permissions reverted to 0600.
I will take this issue to questions at freebsd.

> # Group for executing external commands
> Group wheel

If CUPS can now execute external commands as a member of the wheel group, shouldn't it be able to read/write to /dev/lpt0?
And if that is so, then it shouldn't be necessary to change permissions on /dev/lpt0.

> # Show shared printers on the local network.
> Browsing On
> BrowseOrder allow,deny
> BrowseAllow
> BrowseAllow @LOCAL

Please also note that I am not seeing the printer when I try and add it on my Macintosh (OS X 10.4.7).  What might be the cause for that?

> > One more question...why didn't CUPS auto-detect my printer to begin with?
> Because it needs to execute the backend for this. Also the device file must
> be accessible.
> Is this the answer you want. Or did I missunderstand your question?

Yes, good answer. since /dev/lpt0 has default permissions of 0600, then CUPS couldn't read (access) it because it was operating as a member of a non-wheel group, and failed to see that there was a parallel port available.  Correct?

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