How to watch the print?

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Thu Jul 27 00:50:56 PDT 2006

Joffre <tech11 at> wrote (Thursday 27 July 2006 05:30):

> Normally persons print something freely and have no 
> more record or log to check, it's dangerous to us. 
> Since someone print out our technology drawing and 
> make it open, so I wanna find a way to keep the print 
> record and check the printing data when need. If
> printing from command, it's easy to backup the printing 
> data  and record the operation at the same time. 
> But if he print from the software window, normally 
> there's one menu to print directly,  I have no way 
> to keep the tail. Is there any way to keep the 
> printing data's snapshot? either other ways to do?
> Some person let me to try cups printing's hooks or 
> the spooler, but I have  no more idea to it. Would 
> you please give some advice?

Not sure if I fully understand you... but if you 

   PreserveJobFiles Yes
   PreserveJobHistory Yes

in cupsd.conf, your job files will be preserved as
/var/spool/cups/d-NNNNNN files, where "NNNNNN" is
the job ID. Combine these settings with

   MaxJobs XYZ
   MaxJobsPerUser XYZ
   MaxJobsPerPrinter XYZ
   MaxPrinterHistory XYZ
   AutoPurgeJobs Yes|No

to set up some kind of automatic deletion of older 


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