[cups.general] How to watch the print?

Tim Waugh twaugh at redhat.com
Thu Jul 27 03:27:43 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 23:30 -0400, Joffre wrote:

> Normally persons print something freely and have no more record or log
> to check, it's dangerous to us. Since someone print out our technology
> drawing and make it open, so I wanna find a way to keep the print
> record and check the printing data when need. If printing from
> command, it's easy to backup the printing data  and record the
> operation at the same time. But if he print from the software window,
> normally there's one menu to print directly,  I have no way to keep
> the tail. Is there any way to keep the printing data's snapshot?
> either other ways to do?

As well as CUPS being able to keep copies of the data files sent (as
another poster noted), another thing it sounds like you're after is an
auditing trail.

The LSPP group is working on an SELinux-based method for having a secure
auditing trail (with security classifications) for printing.


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