[cups.general] Q. Proper way to startup cupsd asanon-rootuserasopposed to debian hacks?

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Wed Jun 7 07:17:27 PDT 2006


On Jun 7 07:13 Michael Sweet wrote (shortened):
> Printing is everything for our customers, so the server == printing.

This makes me understand your point of view!

But I still do not understand why you removed the freedom of choice
regardless that I understand all your arguments against RunAsUser.

This freedom of choice had let us run it as we think it is best for
our customers where normally the system != server != printing.

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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