Windows drivers depenency issues

Peter peteoutside at
Tue Jun 13 11:53:01 PDT 2006

> The "ps***.*" files are not part of the CUPS driver. You need to
> grab them from a Windows box that has installed the Adobe PS driver,
> or from a Win PS driver installer package.

After installing CUPS 1.2 from source and the Windows drivers from RPM using --nodeps, here's the state of those files:

cups6.ini (got it)
cupsui6.dll (got it)
cupsdrv6.dll (missing)
ps5ui.dll (missing)
pscript.hlp (missing)
pscript.ntf (missing)
pscript5.dll (missing)

I searched using locate after running "updatedb."

I expected the ps* files to be included in the windows driver distribution.  If they are not included, then I suppose it is possible that the driver installed correctly, except I am missing cupsdrv6.dll.

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