[cups.general] eps printing broken

David Bishop dbishop at micron.com
Wed Jun 28 15:03:22 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 28 June 2006 04:59, Helge Blischke wrote:
> The following Perl script should convert it into a DSC conformant EPS:
> ---snip---
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> if (scalar @ARGV) == 6)
> {
>     $input = $ARGV[5];			# input file name given
>     open (INPUT, "$input") || die ("ERROR: $input: $!\n");
> }
> elsif (scalar §ARGV == 5)
> {
>     open (INPUT, "<&STDIN") || die ("ERROR: dup STDIN: $!\n");
> }
> while (<INPUT>)
> {
> 	if (/^\s*%/)
> 	{
> 					# comment line, possibly needs to be modified
> 		s/\s*%BoundingBox/%%BoundingBox/;
> 		s/^\s+%%/%%/;
> 	}
> 	print;
> }
> exit 0;
> ---snip---

Fantastic.  I'll probably end up using that, or something very, very, close to 

> this script (untested, but should work out of the box) may be directly
> used as a CUPS filter.
> Helge
> PS: BTW, your EPS as well as the modied one (according to the above rules)
> both printed at our site (CUPS 1.1.19, but with the alternate pstops
> filter).

This, however, was the more exciting part.  When I plugged the alternative 
pstops filter in, I got the same thing!  Those files started printing just 
fine!  I was very excited.

However, and the reason for my dismay, it did *not* fix all my eps-related 
woes.  I linked to an eps file from *yet another* program that appears to 
generate crappy postscript*.  As far as I know, we only have three things 
that make eps, and the other two are working, now.  This one, which is *not* 
affected by the bounding box issue ( I checked ) has the exact same symptoms: 
it prints out a single blank page.

Other than plugging the ps2ps filter in, ideas?

*It's almost 3 megs, and I didn't think it would be polite to attach.

Some people remind me of slinkies.  Completely useless,
but it's fun to push them down the stairs. (Anon)

David Bishop

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