Mac OS X - Remote Web Admin Not Working

Michael Sweet mike at
Thu Jun 29 08:46:03 PDT 2006

Phil Krochmal wrote:
> Hey guys,
> After waitng for the 1.2.1 Mac compile I have now gotten back on
> working with the CUPS system. The problem that I remember everyone
> having was with the HTTPS connection from a remote comp into the Mac
> OS X unit with CUPS. Obviously the thing works to see the web
> interface if i put in HTTP://(Mac IP):631/ . However, sub in the
> HTTPS and you get squat. I would assume it has something to do with
> OpenSSL, but I am clueless to know if that is the fix. Hence, I
> appeal to those more inclined with the guts of Mac and Linux help
> figure this one out.
> The kicker to all this it that the 426 Upgrade error that I get
> doesn't pop up until after I select the printer PPD for a printer it
> found locally on the network. So, what gives? I kinda would like not
> to have to VNC into the MAC to install a printer that can be done
> faster with the interface.

This is an issue with creating a certificate on MacOS X for the CDSA
library to use.  Try the following from a Terminal window:

     sudo certtool c Z k=/Library/Keychains/System.keychain

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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