[cups.general] lineprinters in raw mode how-to

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Thu Mar 9 00:42:11 PST 2006


On Mar 8 12:18 marcchogh001 at msn.com wrote (shortened):
> we have some lineprinters, which should be driven in "raw mode"

If you really want "raw mode", set up a queue without specifying
a PPD file, see the CUPS documentation or see for example

Note that "raw" means really raw.
No filtering will take place. The original print data will be sent
directly from the backend to the recipient (normally the printer)
as is (in "raw" form). It is not possible to convert the line break
(e.g. LF -> CR+LF) or append a form feed at the end to force the
printer to eject the last sheet.
A "System V style Interface Script" can be used for this purpose. 
Regarding "System V style Interface Script" see the man page
"man lpadmin" and see the "CUPS Software Programmers Manual"
"Writing Filters" and "Writing Backends" and see the man page
"man filter" and for an example see

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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