[cups.general] Cannot access cups from client system

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Wed May 3 02:35:21 PDT 2006


On May 2 20:35 Eric wrote (shortened):
> SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 b10

You are using a beta product.

It would be better to ask on our mailing lists or use
our bug reporting tool, see for example for Suse Linux

In particular for our Enterprise products, you should have
a special contact to us to which you can send your questions.

> I am trying to access the local printer from a WinXP workstation.

How do you try to do it?
I.e.: What exactly must we do to reproduce your problem? 

>  I get a consistant "the connection has timed out" from Firefox.

Is Firefox the only application you tried to print from
or what do you want to do with Firefox on your Windows system?
Which exact URL in Firefox results the time out?

For general information see the CUPS documentation,
the Samba documentation (if you don't use IPP on the Windows system)
and our support database - for example
and in particular
By the way:
Since our support database was converted from the old HTML style
to the new Wiki stlye, all more complicated list environments are
messed up because of the limited synax of Wiki list environments
(there is no closing tag for a list item) but I don't have the
time to correct all the mess manually at once.

> Following is my cupsd.conf
> BrowseAllow @LOCAL
> BrowseAllow 192.168.1.*
> <Location />
> Order Deny,Allow
> Deny From All
> Allow From
> Allow From
> Allow From @LOCAL
> Allow From 192.168.1.*
> </Location>

Looks o.k. regarding allowed access to the cupsd if the IP address
of your Windows system is in the @LOCAL range (in particular
if it is in the same network as the CUPS machine) or in 192.168.1.*
(did you restart cupsd after you changed its confif file?).

Does the Suse firewall allow access to TCP and UDP port 631?

For a test simply switch it off using "rcSuSEfirewall2 stop".

In the YaST firewall module there are predefined "services"
for IPP (and also for Samba if you use Samba) for which you may
have to allow access if the Suse firewall is running on your system
and if your network interface does not belong to the "internal zone".
The Suse firewall allows any access via an network interface which
belongs to the "internal zone" because this zone is trusted.

If the CUPS server and the Windows system are in an internal
network (and when you trust all what there is in your internal
network), your network interface must be set to be in the
"internal zone".

It doesn't make sense to have a network setup in a trusted
internal network with network interfaces which belong to the
(untrusted) "external zone" (which is the default to be safe).

Kind Regards,
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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