Automatic Printer Restart?

Mark anonymous at
Thu May 4 09:37:46 PDT 2006

> You could setup a cron process that checks for disabled printers
> every 10 minutes and enables it if found. That's what I did for
> our servers.
> At the moment, I don't think there's any setting in CUPS that
> allows for automating this process. CUPS wouldn't know when a
> printer has become online or available.
> > I have a CUPS server with about 20 printers running on it through the CUPS-LPD service. One thing that I've noticed is that if a printer gets unplugged from the network then printer goes to a "Stopped" state. This means that I have to go into the server and turn it back on.
> >
> > Does anyone know if there is a way which you can make CUPS automatically start the printer once it has re-established its connection on the network?

Cheers, Thanks for the suggestion!

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