LDAP Browsing

dkastens.uos dkastens at uos.de
Mon May 29 07:48:08 PDT 2006

is there a documentation on how LDAP browsing works?
I installed cups-1.2.1 on a RedHat server with the following configuration:

Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow @LOCAL
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
BrowseRemoteProtocols ldap
BrowseLDAPServer ldap://my.ldap.server:1389
BrowseLDAPDN ou=devices,dc=mydomain,dc=de
BrowseLDAPBindDN uid=cupsadmin
BrowseLDAPPassword secret

I added the following printer to my ldap directory:

dn: cn=p2rz,ou=Printers,ou=Devices,dc=mydomain,dc=de
cn: p2rz
objectClass: top
objectClass: device
objectClass: cupsprinter
printerDescription: HP LaserJet 9050DN
printerLocation: RZ Maschinensaal
printerMakeAndModel: Local Raw Printer
printerURI: "cupspykota:lpd://print.mydomain.de/p2rz"

There are two things that I discovered:
- The cupsd searches for a printerType attribute, which is not described in the printer.schema. When the attribute is not present, cupsd dies with a segmentation fault. What value does cupsd expect?
- When the printerURI is not set in quotation marks, cupsd returns a "Bad printer URI" error.
- cupsd searches my ldap server but no printer is added to my cups configuration. How does ldap browsing work?

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