Backchannel usage

Josh Mathis josh.m at
Mon May 22 08:56:17 PDT 2006

I am trying to add some simple status support into my filter. Before the
print data of a job is sent, I attempt to send a status request (escape
command) and then read a two-byte response. However, the function
always fails (return -1).

To do a basic test, I changed the filter to only send a 3-byte status 
request with printf, just like normal print data, then read the 2-byte 
response with cupsBackChannelRead, then exit the job. However, the read 
always times out and returns -1. I have confirmed that the printer is 
receiving the status request, but it seems that the backend is not 
picking up the response.

Here is what I am doing:

char backbuffer[1024]; //buffer for returned data
printf("\x1b\x05\x06"); //send status request
count = cupsBackChannelRead(backbuffer, 2, 5); //read 2 bytes from the 
fprintf(stderr, "***** Read %i backchannel bytes*****\n", count);

I have a feeling I am not understanding the whole backchannel process. 
One thing I can think of - the printer generates its status message and 
places it in the parallel output buffer to be read - it does not 
proactively write the data back to the PC. Is this the culprit, or does 
the parallel backend issue a read?


Josh Mathis

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