Adding a remote raw printer

Jose Manuel Gonzalez vida at
Thu Nov 30 03:13:22 PST 2006


I have two linux systems running Mandriva 2007 and cups (one as server and the other as client). In the client one I've installed a 9pin raw printer (an old printer) and cups share it's local printer with any other machine in my network. The server cups recognize the raw printer in the client machine.

The application to send jobs to this printer is a web application running in the client machine. When a job has to be printed the server machine receive a command like "lp -Pname_of_printer file" and send this command using cups.

Everything it's ok but there is a 3 or 4 seconds delay between the server send the command and the printer start to print.

This schema was working without any delay when the server machine was running a mandriva 10.1 but now is slower and I don't find the reason.

Could anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.

Jose Manuel Gonzalez.

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