High processor load and Get-Printer-Attributes

John A. Murdie john at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu Oct 5 03:07:23 PDT 2006

We're finding - in our preparations to make CUPS the only printing system here - that the load on our Solaris printserver is often rather high - sometimes 40% of CPU, even when nothing is apparently being printed. This isn't acceptable, as the print server is a file server
als o (to which user login is disallowed). The load imposed by our old printing system was minimal.

I wonder whether reducing the cupsd.conf LogLevel is going to help very much? It's currently set to 'info', which is useful for seeing what's going on, in these early days of our use. The access_log is, I gather, not governed by the LogLevel, and we see a lot of:

localhost - - [05/Oct/2006:10:48:44 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 117 Get-Printer-Attributes successful-ok

messages. Is this the result of an unsuitable configuration on my part? Can the frequency of these messages be reduced?

I have configured:

BrowseAddress A.B.Linux_subnet.255
BrowseAddress A.B.Windows_subnet.255
BrowseAllow @LOCAL

with suitable numeric values for A.B, Linux_subnet and Windows_subnet - i.e. the broadcast address of the subnet on which our print server and Linux desktops sit, and also the broadcast address of the subnet on which our Windows desktops sit.

John A. Murdie

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