"Set Printer Options" -> Error: Not Found

John A. Murdie john at cs.york.ac.uk
Mon Oct 9 06:27:04 PDT 2006

I updated from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 on our Solaris print server this morning, copying in the old cupsd.conf and printers.conf files before I started the new cupsd. Now all my printers give the error message "Error: Not Found" when I press "Set Printer Options" for any of them on my (restarted) web browser "Printers" page (as superuser). I don't know whether is a coincidence, but every job submission to any printer - from 1.2.4 Linux clients - now has an error message e.g.:

E [09/Oct/2006:10:18:54 +0000] Missing printer-uri or job-uri attribute!

associated with it in the error_log (these messages weren't there before) - though printers.conf looks perfectly ok - no obvious syntax errors.

A work-around is to "Modify Printer" and accept everything offered, but this is a pain for tens and tens of printers. (Ok, I suppose I could write a script using lpadmin(1) somehow.) Also, when "Modify Printer" offers me the "Set Printer Options" page, the settings have apparently reverted to the `factory default', which causes the further pain of having to reconfigure everything.

I've looked for a bug report for this, or some other submission to the forums, without success.

Any ideas? I've been following CUPS off and on for sometime, and done several such upgrades, but do not recall anything like this happening before. I'm in a bit of a quandary here; I have to upgrade to the latest version of CUPS to have known bugs fixed, but each new re-installation I perform might bring new problems.

John A. Murdie

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