Policies and access restrictions

Simon Kuhn sak8 at eecs.cwru.edu
Fri Oct 13 12:58:43 PDT 2006


I'm using CUPS 1.2.4. I'm trying to configure it such that certain printers can only be printed to be certain machines (for use in a lab environment). It would be nice if other operations were still permitted as normal, although thats not absolutely required.

I have the following lines in cupsd.conf:

HostNameLookups On

<Policy glennan312>
#  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Print-Job Create-Job>
  <Limit All>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from g312-01.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-02.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-03.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-04.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-05.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-06.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-07.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-08.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-09.cwru.edu
    Allow from g312-10.cwru.edu
    Deny from All

I then configured printer glennan312 to use op-policy glennan312 instead of default. I've also tried both Limit lines individually.

Then from a machine other than those listed on the Allow lines, printing still succeeds. Is there another method I should be using to achieve the same thing?

The point of this is to limit printing to certain computers which are definitely using Active Directory, so that I can be certain their usernames are legitimate for quota purposes.


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