[cups.general] very strange dot-matrix printer problem: randomly wrong print result (ghostscript-esc p2)

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Wed Sep 13 23:48:03 PDT 2006


On Sep 14 14:04 ??? wrote (shortened):
> Two more 'wrong' page I printed today, someone really into printer
> technology might tell something from it?
> gopher://sdf.lonestar.org/I/users/weiwu/epson_lq-300_incorrect_chinese_output.png
> gopher://sdf.lonestar.org/I/users/weiwu/epson_lq-300_incorrect_english_output.png

Both do not look as if there are data transmission errors
because then you would get totally random nonsense printed,
usually a seemingly endless sequence of random ASCII characters.

In your case it looks as if either the driver has problems to produce
the right printer specific graphical data or the printer itself
has problems to print them.
The Ghostscript driver "epson" is a very old one which is working o.k.
since ages for many Epson dot matrix printers. Therefore I think
it is not the Ghostscript driver but perhaps the printer itself?

You wrote that your special Epson dot matrix printer does
not print plain ASCII text directly like
echo -en '\rHello\r\f' >/dev/lp0
(carriage return + "Hello" + carriage return + formfeed)

If it cannot print this, your special Epson dot matrix printer is
somewhat strange because as far as I know, any Epson dot matrix
printer can print plain ASCII text directly. 

Can you remove the Chinese font cartdridge from your printer
(or whatever additional cartdridge there is) and then retry
the above "echo..." test and retry to print plain ASCII text
via your print queue (i.e. via the Ghostscript driver in
graphics mode) e.g.:
echo 'Hello' | lp -d <queuename>

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5      Mail: jsmeix at suse.de
90409 Nuernberg, Germany                    WWW: http://www.suse.de/

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