howto setup a booklet printer

Helge Blischke h.blischke at
Sat Sep 23 06:31:08 PDT 2006

luc castermans wrote:
> Hi,
> I've this nice little script, which converts PS files into
> file suitable to sent immediately to my HP 1320 laserjet:
> #!/bin/bash
> PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin:$HOME/cadbin ; export PATH
> usage="Usage: `basename $0` <psfile> <outfile>"
> if [ $# -ne 2 ]
> then
>         echo "${usage}"
>         exit 2
> fi
> #echo $1
> psbook $1 | psnup -2 | pstops "2:0 at 1.0(-0.00cm,0.0cm),1U at 1.0(21cm,29.7cm)" > $2
> #
> How can I setup a "booklet" printer using this script. So I would like
> to offer a logical printer to my users, which if they use it, produces
> the booklets.

Make your script conformant to the CUPS filter specification (command line args, input, outut, 
and insert the line

*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 your_filters_name"

to force CUPS to run this filter as the last one in the chain for this specific


Helge Blischke
SRZ Berlin | Firmengruppe besscom

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