[cups.development] Is "runEPS: Not DSC" a problem?

Marc Stibane stibane at primusmac.de
Tue Sep 26 23:01:51 PDT 2006

Am 26. Sep 2006 um 23:12:13 schrieb Yu Guo:

> So the basic question would be :
> Is it possible to convert raster data in to normal ASCII text?


A friend of mine wrote a printer driver 20 years ago which used only  
the "dot" character (with 1 pixel high lines) to print images on a  
typewriter (Triumph-Adler Gabriele) with a typewheel.

Of course, those typewheels (and color ribbons) lasted only a few  
pictures before the dot became unreadable, but it worked...

Marc Stibane                marc at primusmac.de
Kurfürstenstr. 154            +49-30-39902690
10785 Berlin                  +49-173-6522422

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