lpr(1)-ing multiple files with 1.2.5

Michael Sweet mike at easysw.com
Sun Apr 1 17:51:27 PDT 2007

Igor Bujna wrote:
> Hello,
> problem is where this port is blocked in version 1.2.2 and newer how its write in CHANGES.txt:
>     - The USB backend now reports a "no such device" error
>       when using the old filename-based USB URIs instead of
>       the "success" error.
> I think it's no good idea because every documentation where is installing usb printer in cups is this "DeviceURI usb:/dev/usb/lp0".
> Or if i have raw printing to usbprinter and i everyday change printer model on usb i will must put this new printer to cups but i won't this.
> I make this patch to downgrade this problem from older version....

As have several Linux distros, however the problem we are trying to
solve is that those device filenames *change* when you reboot or
disconnect and reconnect the printer.  The *only* configuration that
can work is for 1 printer, but even then recent changes in the 2.6.x
kernels force you to change the device filename anyways...

So, no, we will not be adding support for raw device filenames, and
future versions of CUPS will be using libusb and/or the raw kernel
interface instead of the character devices, since the USB character
devices are not compatible with HPLIP and other USB multifunction
device drivers.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software          http://www.easysw.com

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