81 mailto notifications per completed job when subscription contains "printer-modified"

Kurt Pfeifle kurt.pfeifle at infotec.com
Sun Apr 1 08:57:08 PDT 2007

I'm trying to help someone remotely over an SSH connection setup CUPS subscriptions. (I proceeded according to the book [as I know it]: stopped cupsd each time before changing subscriptions.conf, etc.).

System: Debian Sid running CUPS 1.2.7

Current contents of subscriptions.conf:

# Subscription configuration file for CUPS v1.2.7
# Written by cupsd on 2007-04-01 13:53
NextSubscriptionId 2
<Subscription 1>
Events printer-stopped printer-finishings-changed printer-media-changed printer-deleted printer-modified job-completed server-restarted server-started server-stopped
Owner kpfeifle
Recipient mailto:kpfeifle AT infotec DOT com
PrinterName PDFmaker_experimental
UserData mailto:kpfeifle AT infotec DOT com
LeaseDuration 0
Interval 120
ExpirationTime 0
NextEventId 1246

It works. It works too well  :-)

Every completed job sends me exactly 81 mails. One mails contains a "Job completed" message. 80 (!) mails contain 'Printer "PDFmaker_experimental" state changed [79 of these have in $subject "Printer PDFmaker_experimental processing", the last one has "Printer PDFmaker_experimental idle".'

(You can also see it in the "NextEventId" line: currently we are up at 15 jobs completed since the subscription was introduced, giving "15 x 80 = 1200" 'Printer ... state changed' mails so far, the rest were for "job-completed", "printer-stopped" and/or "printer-modified".)

Is that how it is intended to work? Do these 80 messages stem from the "printer-modified" setting in the Events line? I'd suspect the bulk of these mails are intended to be generated by "printer-state-changed" events, but the above subscriptions.conf does not subscribe to these...


P.S.: another thing: Events "server-restarted", "server-started"
      and "server-stopped" don't seem to be covered by this
      subscription -- at least no mails are generated. A configuration

P.S.S.: Hmmm.... I just notice that it looks like
        "printer-media-changed" and "printer-finishings-changed" are
        not valid events for subscription events. Can't remember which
        template gave me the idea to use those.... Anyway, removing
        these from the Events line didn't reduce may mass of
        notification mails.

P.S.T.: The guilty entry in the line is "printer-modified". If that is
        removed, no more ${manymanymany} mails are sent per job.
        Either this is a bug -- or it works as designed when "printer-
        modified" refers to any internal state change of the queue.
        But then it should be more explicitely documented. To me (not
        having re-read the IPP specs), printer-modified sounds like
        one of the operations that are possible when clicking on the
        "Modify Printer" button in the web interface.

Shall I file a bug report?


Kurt Pfeifle
System & Network Printing Consultant -- Linux/Unix/Windows/Samba/CUPS
Infotec Deutschland GmbH - A RICOH Company ........ Stuttgart/Germany

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