Preview Print Jobs (get job from server?)

Ken Tanzer ktanzer at
Thu Apr 19 16:18:23 PDT 2007

> Ken Tanzer wrote:
> >> Turn on debug logging and then look at the error_log file.
> >
> > Here it is.  No obvious problem here.  Is there anything specific a
> > CGI program has to do, other than produce some output and exit?
>  > ...
> Nope, it should "just work"...  Will do some testing here to
> see what's up...

Just wondering if you found anything out about this?  Alternatively, any suggestions about how we could diagnose or work around the issue?

> Right - all of the (static) HTML content and associated images are
> in /usr/share/cups/doc, while the CGI programs (the ones that CUPS
> runs in response to special URLs) are in /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin.

On my (Fedora) system, all these files live in /usr/share/doc/cups.  There is a /usr/share/cups/doc pointing to this directory.  This seems backwards, and contributed to my confusion!

Even within /usr/share/cups, though, it seems odd to put the static content in a "doc" directory.  For example, I would have expected to see the images in a /usr/share/cups/images, or maybe /usr/share/cups/html directory.



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