title missing since update

Mario Goppold ml at goppold.net
Tue Aug 14 03:45:59 PDT 2007

Hi List,

I will concretise what my college (Thomas Güttler) wrote.

The reason is that the backend interpret the option string:

D [02/Aug/2007:22:31:07 +0200] StartJob: argv = "TESTPRINTER","525658","Administrator","","1","document-name=D:\\ftppub\\file.pdf","/var/spool/cups/d525658-001"

D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[0]="TESTPRINTER"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[1]="11338"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[2]="Administrator"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[3]="d11337-001"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[4]="1"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:f7dc7032-d984-3003-4e0e-26163f3e2cc8"
D [14/Aug/2007:11:10:03 +0200] [Job 11338] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d11338-001"

But the question is, why is the "document-name" not set?
If I start a printjob with (cups-1.2.7):

lp -d TESTPRINTER -o document-name=hallo file.ps

D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[0]="TESTPRINTER"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[1]="1330"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[2]="user"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[3]="file.ps"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[4]="1"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[5]="document-name=hallo job-uuid=urn:uuid:d662acd5-3077-3799-55f3-6a6414a466c9"
D [14/Aug/2007:09:26:18 +0200] [Job 1330] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d01330-001"

The printjobs arrived cups usually via cups-lpd and the xinetd config is:

service printer
        disable     = no
        flags       = NAMEINARGS
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = lp
        server      = /usr/lib64/cups/daemon/cups-lpd
        server_args = cups-lpd -o document-format=application/octet-stream

Mario Goppold

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