Brady 300 MVP Plus Lockup Issue

Delbert Martin bghost4 at
Thu Aug 16 11:01:34 PDT 2007

I have a Brady 300 MVP plus Thermal Label printer. I had a bug where after printing approx 50 Labels the printer would stop printing, afterwards the printer would begin loosing pixels on the print head.

Come  to find out, the printer's Firmware (Maybe mine is old) does not handle the RAM filling up so gracefully. the printer when locked would leave the printhead on, thus destroying parts of the printhead that were on when it locked.

I looked through the filter's code, looks like there should a Command to remove the Image data from memory.

Looks like this printer is a copy of a 300 DPI Z4M printer.

Here is the diff I made from my updated <CUPS_SRC>/filters/rastertolabel.c file

I couldn't find a listing for this driver on the printer drivers page, so I couldn't post it there, Hope this helps someone.

> 	/*
> 	 * Delete Graphic from memory (Ending the label does not do this! Broke 3 printers :(
> 	 */
> 	puts("^XA");
> 	puts("^IDR:CUPS.GRF^FS");
> 	puts("^XZ");
/* END DIFF */

--Delbert Martin

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