2 Quest's: .rss syndication/internet printing

Mitch purpledynasty at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 11:36:17 PST 2007

Regarding .RSS feeds from CUPS:
> Check the /var/spool/cups/cache/rss directory - the file will not get
> created until an event occurs.
> If you don't see anything there, check the error_log file for errors.

The directory was empty.

The error log has many of the following types of errors:

E [01/Dec/2007:14:20:32 -0500] [Notifier] Unable to create /private/var/spool/cups/cache/rss/PrinterWorking.rss.N: Permission denied

Regarding Internet Printing:
> You'll need to setup your router to map incoming connections on port
> 631 to your Mac's IP, and then you can just add an IPP printer from
> the client using the external address, the queue name "printers/foo",
> and the generic PS driver.  "foo" is the queue name reported on the
> system you are sharing from with the "lpstat -p" command (generally
> the name you see in the print dialog with the spaces replaced by
> underscores...)

It will take me some time to give this a try - in the meantime does that format cover printing from any platform (ie printing from a PC at work to my Mac at home), or do those "/" signs need to reverse?

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