Identical printers, sub backend

Michael Sweet mike at
Sat Dec 29 13:36:02 PST 2007

Fernando wrote:
>> We *may* be able to improve the standard USB backend with support
>> for libusb in CUPS 1.4; until then there is nothing we can do since
>> we can't map the information in /proc to the corresponding device
>> filename... :(
> Ok.
> What about deviceURIs in the form usb:/dev/usb/lp0?
> IIRC in the docs there is a reference to this form of device specification, but I can't get this to work in any of my (Debian) boxes. It's not supported anymore?

There shouldn't be any reference to the old format, which is no longer
supported on Linux.

As I mentioned before, the /dev/usb/lpN devices are assigned randomly
(whichever device responds first), so using a hard-coded filename
won't help.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com

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