Connect to two cups-servers

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Thu Feb 1 14:24:25 PST 2007

> Hi.
> Got a laptop with a local cups printer-server.

- Make sure on the local laptop the local cupsd is always up and running.
- Make sure the local laptop has a line "Browsing On" in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
- Make sure the local cupsd.conf file includes either a "Listen *:631" or a "Port 631" directive.
- Make sure the local cupsd.conf file does not "BrowseDeny from XYZ" where XYZ includes somehow your school server. (The easiest way to see all available printers from all servers in your respective LAN is this: "BrowseAllow from All" combined with "BrowseDeny from None").
- Make sure you have not a specific "ServerName" in your local cupsd.conf.

> In scool there is another cups printer-server
> I'd like to use when Im there.
> For now I've got a .cupsrc-file containing
> ServerName
> And it works (partly atleast).

Disable the .cupsrc file altogether. Put a '#' comment sign in front of the "ServerName" directive.

> Now I wonder if I somehow could use both these
> servers at the same time?

If you do all of the above (and if I've not forgotten important), your local CUPS will pick up all printers which are announced in the LAN, and still be able to use its locally installed ones too.

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