Strange behaviour of option -# with lpr

Michael Sweet mike at
Fri Feb 23 04:33:44 PST 2007

Andreas wrote:
> Hi all,
> we're using (we have to) version 1.1.20 of cups.
> I have a raw printer queue and when I want to print with
> lpr -P <queuename> -# 200 <file> I get the error message:
> lpr: unable to print file: client-error-bad-request
> After digging around (because this message can be nothing and
> everything) I found out (with luck), that the number 200 for
> the copy count is the reason rejecting this command.
> E.g. with 100 it is working.
> 1) Is there a limit? Why? What?

There is a limit (100) - the default corresponds to the original HP
copy count limit and can be changed in the cupsd.conf file via the
MaxCopies directive.

> 2) Can I change the limit? (RAW Printer?)

Yes, using the MaxCopies directive.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Publishing Software

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