Custom size on Mac OS 10.2.8

Michael Sweet mike at
Tue Feb 6 08:34:59 PST 2007

Horky Chen wrote:
> Dear all,
> I wrote a GDI printer driver, and I found a big problem on Mac OS X.2, I have post my question in Printing mailing list, but there is no any response. So I ask you for your kindly help.
> On Mac OS 10.2.8, I use CustomPageSize in PPD file to describe my custom sizes. But when print the landscape format data with some custom size, preview is correct, but the printer output is Portrait, and top of the paper is blank.
> ...
> Anyone come across this before, or have any ideas how to deal with the problem?

You're better off posting to the Apple printing list for this sort
of question...

In the case of 10.2.x, the custom page size handling code in OS X
did not agree with the code in CUPS, so most driver developers have
to include a small amount of extra code in their CustomPageSize
line to swap the width and height as needed.  I'm sure the Apple
engineers can provide you with a sample...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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