[cups.general] cups down every morning

Fabio Marcone fabio.marcone at duet.it
Mon Jul 9 04:27:30 PDT 2007

> Which "LogLevel" in cupsd.conf?

until this morning: info, but now I've changed in debug
> If I were you, I'd put "LogLevel debug" into the config, and restart
> CUPS. The next morning, I'd probably see at least *at what time* the
> daemon died (when it stopped writing messages into the log). Maybe
> even more clues could come from that.

tomorrow morning I hope to know the time and the cause

this afternoon I try to power on and off printers to get other info
about this behaviour.

can be a driver crash?

> If that's not sufficient, I'd set "LogLevel debug2" and restart CUPS.
> But I'd do that very late in the evening, before I left office. This
> LogLevel writes *a* *lot* to your disk...


Dott. Fabio Marcone

2T srl
Telefono	                        +39 - 0871- 540154
Fax		                        +39 - 0871- 571594
Email	                           	fabio.marcone(AT)duet.it	
Indirizzo				Viale B. Croce 573
                                        66013 Chieti Scalo (CH)
GNU/Linux registered user  		#400424

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